Breast self-exam for detecting breast cancer: optional or compulsory?
Breast self-exam in short BSE is an important and inevitable part of breast cancer awareness. BSE is an effective screening tool to detect breast cancer early. Taking proper steps and treatment in the initial stage can be a life saver, so, everyone should know about the breast self-exam techniques. Regular physical exam under a doctor’s direct supervision and mammography combined with BSE is very much useful in detecting the signs of breast cancer early. In 20% of cases it has been seen that the signs or symptoms of breast cancer has been detected by breast self-exam rather than mammography that is quite impressive. Though a different school of experts have a different thought about BSE most of the experts suggest women to perform it regularly. American cancer society depending on a survey over 400,000 women in Russia and China thinks that BSE occasionally harms the vulnerable by prompting unnecessary biopsies (elimination and assessment of doubtful tissue). Even thought there are debates on the effectiveness of BSE a heavier portion of the experts have their view that it’s compulsory not optional and is must for every female
Tips on applying BSE
BSE is an effective tool to decrease the rate of breast cancer mortality rate. But unfortunately most of the women have no idea about it, especially in the undeveloped and developing countries. Other women are careless or lazy enough to avoid it. Whereas a portion of the women get frustrated who feels something in the breast but have no idea what it is. The most important thing here is when someone goes through the exam regularly she starts to understand the property of the breast well and can detect any suspicious change as early as possible that helps them to seek for proper clarification early.
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- Breast Cancer Awareness:Breast Cancer Symptoms and Signs in Women
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Some tips for BSE:
- Get familiar with your breast performing the BSE once a month and never leave it as no age is too early or too late for breast cancer. Mind it it is a very useful cost free test to check breast cancer.
- Perform the BSE after few days of the period when your breast comes back to its usual shape and no longer looks puffy and tender. If you are no longer having periods, select a certain day of the month that you can easily remember.
- If you sense a lump in your breast don’t get panicked. Most of the women have lumps or a lumpy part in their breast that does not necessarily means they have a breast cancer. Only 20% of the women who were examined for a suspicious lump in their breast were suffering from breast cancer in recent time.
- All the areas of breast are not of similar texture. The upper and near to armpit area often contains notable lumps and swelling. Other areas may feel like a conic or basin whereas the lower half feels like a sandy or rocky beach. The area around and under the nipple gives the feeling of a granular surface.
- Get acquainted with all the neighborhoods of your breast and if you sense any change take it to your doctor’s concern.
- Keep a notebook and sketch a map of your breast. Note the usual features of you breast. If there is a tendency of growing irregular lumps and disappearing after a certain period you must keep a track of it. It may happen for menstrual cycle but any suspicious change lasting beyond a complete cycle and getting prominent should be consulted with doctor.
- The last word is, learn how to perform BSE and teach your family members and others. Stay motivated and motivate others. Never get casual, your life is valuable.
Breast cancer awareness products
Steps of BSE
There are five easy steps of BSE. These are easy to perform and don’t consume a huge time. Here are the steps with a step by step video instructions:
Step 1: Stand in front of your mirror keeping your hands on your waist like this <l>. Keep the shoulder straight and head still.
Look for:
- If the size, shape and color are as usual or not.
- If there is a visible bump on the breast surface.
If you detect any or several of the following changes get instant consultancy from your doctor:
- Bump, wrinkle, or swell of skin.
- Misplaced, ingoing or curled nipple.
- Change of usual color of the skin, redness, rash of puffiness
Step 2: Raise your arms over your head.
Look for:
- If any short of liquid like water, milk, blood or yellow sap is coming out or not.
- The similar features of step 1.
If any of the following is noticed consult with your doctor:
- Liquid emitting from nipple.
- Suspicious changes described in step 1.
Step 3: Feel you breast standing, sitting and lying down on a flat surface with finger pads. Many a woman thinks it’s best to perform before and during shower as for them wet breasts are felt well. Whenever you examine follow a pattern so that you don’t miss a single inch of the breast. You can follow smaller to bigger circle patter or from up to down pattern. You can choose your option but make sure you have examined the whole area. Keep your fingers connected and use the finger pad rather than the nail. Use right hand when testing the left side of the breast and left hand when its turn to check the right portion of the breast. Apply light pressure in the tissues beneath, medium pressure in the middle of the breast and firm pressure in the deep tissues in the back. When are down to the deep tissues you are supposed to feel down to your ribcage.
Look for:
- The features that has been described in Tips for BSE paragraph.
Any suspicious change for longer than a full menstrual cycle should be informed to the doctor.
So women, start your breast examination from this breast cancer awareness week and give the proper value of your life. Regular check for breast cancer and detecting early signs or symptoms can certainly decrease the mortality rate.
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